Lazio Disco Scholarship 2023/2024 | Study Free in Italy

The Lazio Region, in accordance with its commitment to safeguarding the right to education and promoting knowledge, operates through DiSCo, the regional body responsible for these objectives. The primary mission of the Lazio DiSCo Scholarship is to protect and promote the right to university education, recognizing its significance in overcoming economic and social barriers that hinder the complete development of individuals, as stated in Article 3 of the Constitution of the Italian Republic.

To ensure fair access to educational opportunities, DiSCo has released a Call for applications for the academic year 2023–2024. This Call establishes the guidelines and regulations for accessing the benefits provided by the region. Students are eligible to apply for these benefits on an annual basis until they attain the highest level of university education available. However, it’s important to note that students pursuing a second degree within the same academic cycle as one they have already obtained, such as a double three-year degree, are ineligible to request these benefits.

The allocation of benefits is determined through a comprehensive evaluation that takes into account various factors, including the applicant’s income and academic merit. By considering these elements, DiSCo aims to ensure that resources are allocated equitably and that deserving students receive the necessary support to pursue their educational goals.

Additionally, specific categories of students, such as those with disabilities amounting to at least 66%, may be eligible for additional facilitations and exemptions. This provision acknowledges the unique challenges faced by students with disabilities and strives to create an inclusive educational environment that caters to their needs.

Read Also: Fully Funded Scholarship in Italy

What are the Lazio Disco scholarship benefits?

Through this Call for applications, DiSCo provides various grants and support programs, subject to the availability of funds. The following benefits are granted:

  1. Scholarships for degree programs: DiSCo offers scholarships for students pursuing degree programs as outlined in Article 4. These scholarships aim to provide financial assistance to deserving students.
  2. Accommodations at DiSCo’s University Residences: Annex G of the Call specifies that eligible students can avail themselves of accommodations at DiSCo’s University Residences. This provision ensures that students have access to suitable living arrangements during their academic pursuits.
  3. Food service at DiSCo’s university canteens and refreshment centers: DiSCo also provides food services at its university canteens and refreshment centers. This ensures that students have access to nutritious meals and refreshments while studying, thereby supporting their overall well-being.
  4. Contributions for international mobility: DiSCo offers financial contributions to support students’ participation in international mobility schemes adopted by individual universities. This initiative aims to encourage students to engage in educational experiences abroad, broadening their horizons and promoting cultural exchange.
  5. Graduation awards: Beneficiaries of a scholarship in the academic year 2022/2023 who successfully complete a first-cycle, second-cycle, or Master’s degree within the prescribed duration of their respective courses of study are eligible for graduation awards. These awards recognize the achievements of scholarship recipients upon the successful completion of their academic programs.

Which are the Lazio Disco Scholarship Universities?

These are the universities for Lazio Disco Scholarship:

How to Apply for Lazio Disco Scholarship?

To apply for the benefits offered in this call, students are required to submit their applications exclusively through the online form accessible from their personal accounts on the official website The application process will commence on June 5, 2023, and must be completed and submitted no later than July 20, 2023, at 12 p.m.

Students interested in accessing DiSCo’s benefits must diligently fill in all the sections of the online form. It is important to ensure that all the provided information is accurate and true, as required by Article 76 of Presidential Decree 445/2000. Additionally, applicants must attach any necessary documentation as stipulated by the system.

The online application form serves as a crucial means to request the benefits outlined in the call. Therefore, students are encouraged to carefully complete the form, ensuring the accuracy of the information provided, and submit it within the specified timeframe.

Application to Lazio Disco can be submitted in two phases:


Lazio Disco Scholarship 2023

Application Submission

  • The first phase of the Lazio DiSCo scholarship application ends on July 20, 2023, at noon.
  • Students are required to complete an online application form found in their personal accounts.
  • The application should be submitted online using the “Application Transmission” function.
  • Upon submission, an identification number is automatically issued as proof of application receipt.
  • Students should keep the identification number for future reference or in case of disputes.
  • It is important to complete all sections of the application form and attach any required documentation by the deadline.
  • Students who fail to submit their complete application by July 20, 2023, at 12:00 will be excluded from receiving any benefits.

“Unlock” Insert/modify the application

During the application submission process for the Lazio DiSCo scholarship program, students have the option to make changes or corrections if there are any errors or omissions. To do so, they can utilize the “Unlock – Insert modifications/integrations” function available until July 20, 2023, at 12:00.

Publication of provisional list for eligible students

On July 26, 2023, DiSCo will release the provisional rankings, which serve to inform students about their temporary status in the scholarship program. The rankings also highlight any inconsistencies that may have been identified during the evaluation process.

Eligible and Excluded Status:

Eligible Status:

·  Provisional rankings are published on July 26, 2023, informing students of their temporary status and any identified inconsistencies.

·  The “eligible” status in the provisional rankings does not guarantee scholarship eligibility, as further checks and verifications will be conducted by relevant institutions and authorities.

·  Students with an “eligible” status must verify the accuracy of their application and make any necessary corrections or additions by August 11, 2023.

Excluded Status:

Excluded students will be informed of the reasons for their exclusion and given the opportunity to make corrections or additions during the second phase of the application process using the “Unlock – Insert modifications/integrations” function


  • Only students who submit their applications by July 20, 2023, at 12:00 are eligible for the second phase.
  • From July 26 to August 11, 2023, at 12:00, students admitted to the second phase can make changes to their applications.
  • Activation of the “Insert modifications/integrations” or “Unlock” functions cancels the previous application, even without any changes made.
  • Students must resubmit their application and any required attachments by August 11, 2023, at 12:00, regardless of whether changes were made.
  • The application submitted by July 20, 2023, at 12:00, remains valid for students who did not use the “Unlock” or “Insert modifications/integrations” functions during the second phase

What are the documents required for Lazio Disco Scholarship?

During the application process, students may be prompted by the system to attach specific documents to the online form. It is mandatory for students to attach the requested annexes if prompted by the system. These documents are necessary to complete the application accurately and should be provided as instructed.

  • Passport (for international students)
  • Stay permit (for national students)
  • Educational documents with credits (transcript and diplomas)
  • Internship and training  credits

Lazio Disco Scholarship amount

The maximum amounts for the scholarships provided are established as follows:

  • €2,682.77 for students living in the same town as their university.
  • €3,889.99 for students commuting from their place of residence to the university.
  • €6,656.52 for students residing outside the town where their university is located.

These amounts can be increased under the following circumstances:

  • A 15% increase in the scholarship is applicable to students with an ISEE indicator not exceeding €13,153.13.
  • Female students enrolled in STEM courses (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) receive a 20% increase in the scholarship.
  • Independent students with a minimum income of €9,000.00 derived from regular job contracts or similar sources receive the same scholarship amount as out-of-town students. However, they must provide evidence that they have not resided in their family’s home or a house owned by a family member. They must also demonstrate that they have been paying for accommodations for the two years preceding the application date.
  • Students simultaneously enrolled in multiple courses of study may be eligible for a scholarship with a 20% increase. However, this increase is granted only if the students meet and maintain the merit-based requirements for both courses of study until they obtain one of the qualifications. If a student fails to meet the requirements outlined in this Call for applications for the course of study associated with the scholarship application, the scholarship, and any related increase will be revoked.

Students who are in their first year beyond the legal duration of their program will receive 50% of the total grant.

Similarly, students with disabilities who are in their second year beyond the legal duration of their program will also receive 50% of the total grant.

Lazio Disco Accommodation

DiSCo offers around 2,800 beds to off-site university students studying in the Lazio Region. These residences provide various room types, including options for students with disabilities. Access to the residences is exclusively for non-resident students enrolled in universities or institutes within the Lazio Region. Eligibility is determined based on income and merit requirements outlined in the annual Call for the Right to Study.

Lazio Disco Contact Email

The Public Relations Office (URP) serves as the primary contact point between DiSCo and citizens, businesses, associations, and both public and private entities. It functions as a communication hub, facilitating interactions and providing information and assistance to various stakeholders.

Students engage with the DiSCo offices primarily through a ticketing system. Opening a ticket allows students to seek information regarding their individual status, address any application blocks, and submit documents to their designated Operating Unit. It’s important to note that the “Payment results history” section in the student’s reserved area is the sole channel for accessing scholarship payment dates.

As a result, students are advised not to open tickets specifically regarding payment dates, as the necessary information can be found in the designated section.

Lazio Disco’s Contact number

To enhance communication between DiSCo and students, a dedicated contact number, 0649701, has been established. The operators at this number provide initial assistance and guide users to the appropriate office for their specific needs. If students encounter any issues accessing services, they can contact this number for support. It’s important to note that to ensure privacy, operators do not have access to student’s personal information or location details.

Study Programs Funded under Lazio Disco Scholarship

Students who are currently enrolled in specific academic programs at a university located within the Lazio Region may be eligible to access the benefits provided. The eligibility criteria include enrollment in the following courses as of February 9, 2024:

  1. Degree programs: Students pursuing undergraduate degrees are eligible to apply for benefits.
  2. Second-cycle Master’s degree programs: Students enrolled in postgraduate programs at the Master’s level are eligible for consideration.
  3. Single-cycle Master’s degree programs: Students pursuing integrated Master’s programs that combine undergraduate and postgraduate studies can also apply for benefits.
  4. Ph.D. programs: Eligibility for benefits extend to students enrolled in doctoral programs, with the exception of those already benefiting from scholarships, research grants, or other grants provided by the university or other institutions.
  5. Post-graduate school programs: Students enrolled in post-graduate schools, with the exception of medical students who already receive scholarships, internship contracts, or other benefits and remuneration, may be eligible for benefits.
  6. Joint study courses: Students enrolled in joint study programs must fulfill two conditions to be eligible for benefits. First, they need to be enrolled at a university with legal headquarters in the Lazio Region. Second, they must have paid the regional tax for the right to education in the Lazio Region.

It is important for students to note that meeting the enrollment criteria specified above is a prerequisite to be considered for the benefits offered.

Classification of Students for Lazio Disco Scholarship

DiSCo categorizes students into different classifications based on the distance between their residence and the location where they attend their courses of study. These classifications are determined by the information provided by the students during the application process and subsequently verified by the relevant authorities.

The classifications are as follows:

  1. International students: If more than half of an international student’s family resides in Italy, they are subject to the same rules and criteria outlined in this Call as students residing in Italy.
  2. Students attending courses at a University branch: Students who attend courses at a branch of the University are classified based on the distance between the municipality where they reside and the location where they attend their courses.

It is important to note that DiSCo reserves the right to modify a student’s classification even after the publication of the final ranking. This may occur based on the outcome of checks conducted with the competent authorities and any changes in safety regulations, especially emergency regulations.

These classifications ensure that students are appropriately categorized based on their residence and the location of their educational institution.

Wrapping Up!

the Lazio Disco Scholarship program plays a crucial role in safeguarding the right to education and promoting knowledge in the Lazio Region. It provides valuable financial assistance and support to eligible students pursuing higher education. Through the Call for applications, students have the opportunity to access scholarships, accommodations, food services, international mobility contributions, and graduation awards.

The program aims to remove economic and social barriers that limit the full development of individuals, in alignment with the Constitution of the Italian Republic. By ensuring fair access to educational opportunities, the Lazio Disco Scholarship program empowers students to overcome challenges and pursue their academic aspirations. It is a valuable resource for students seeking financial aid and support in their educational journey within the Lazio Region.


What is the deadline for the Lazio Disco Scholarship 2023?

The Lazio Disocs application can be submitted by 20 July 2023 12:00 PM.

3 thoughts on “Lazio Disco Scholarship 2023/2024 | Study Free in Italy”

  1. I am Gohar Ayub from Pakistan.
    I applied for Ph.d laziodesco scholarship program. And I am provisional accepted for scholarship. Now the problem is that i can’t open the laziodesco scholarship portal here in Pakistan. I am worried about my scholarship because i am stuck and can’t open the laziodesco scholarship website.
    I need help please help me if some one can.. thank you.

    1. You can open your portal with your credential. It is not possible you are unable to login, once you login you can generate ticket for further help. Check your Id and password to login and try to send ticket to share your status. They must response for ticket.

    2. In Italy, PhD positions are funded 99% only few PhD posts are announced without scholarship. Communicate with admission section of university for funded opportunity. They will guide you well and will share with you relevant opportunities.

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