Scholarship for Bachelor in Artificial Intelligence 2023 – AI Career

Have you completed Higher School studies and searching for an undergraduate degree in Artificial Intelligence? This post is about Scholarship for Bachelor in Artificial Intelligence for 2023-2024 in Italy.

Students who get AI degrees are prepared to create applications for artificial intelligence such as speech, facial, and language translation. Data mining, sophisticated mathematics, engineering, and robotics are possible study areas. Many programs conclude with a capstone project or internship, which helps students get ready for their future careers and graduate school.

A bachelor’s degree in artificial intelligence can help students build solid analytical thinking and problem-solving skills that are useful for both their personal and professional lives. Graduates might become skilled in data mining and analysis, opening openings in a variety of industries.

The price of a bachelor’s degree varies according on the school chosen and the period of study. To make sure they have the knowledge they need, students should investigate or speak with potential colleges.

A bachelor’s degree in artificial intelligence could lead to novel and interesting professional opportunities. Data scientists, machine learning experts, and computer engineers are examples of potential careers. A person who enjoys instructing others might train them to create and use artificial intelligence, or they might want to work as a secondary or higher school teacher. Working in sales for businesses that promote consumer applications of artificial intelligence is an additional choice. Due to the field’s growth, positions that do not currently exist may become available in a few years.

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Requirements for Scholarship for Bachelor in Artificial Intelligence

Although each university has its own requirements and processing procedures, Italian universities generally demand the following documents:

Identity Document: All universities need students to present identity documents. Before applying, confirm that the document’s validity is not due to expire; if it is, follow the procedure to renew the document.

Academic achievements: Candidates must hold a bachelor’s degree in computer science, communications engineering, or a closely related discipline with a minimum grade point average of 95/110.

English Language Proficiency: Candidates should be proficient in the language. A Standardized English Test Report with a B2 score or an English Proficiency Certificate from your previous institution are acceptable submissions.

Two letters of Recommendation: Recommendations letters from instructors or employers who can vouch for the applicant’s academic or professional credentials are necessary.

Motivational Letter: Application materials must include detailing the applicant’s academic and professional objectives and how the scholarship will aid in achieving those objectives.

Carrer for Bachelor in Artificial Intelligence

Big Data Analyst: Use historical data to find significant trends that can be used to create future forecasts.

User Experience (UX) Designer/Developer: Work with the items to ensure that customers can simply comprehend their purpose and use them. Recognize how users interact with technology and how computer scientists might utilize this knowledge to create more sophisticated software.

Natural Language Processing Engineer: Examine how human language and computer systems interact; this involves working on chatbot and virtual assistant projects.

• Researcher: Participate in the study of computer science and AI Investigate strategies to develop AI technology

Research Scientist: A deep learning, machine learning, and computational statistics expert. Expected to possess a graduate degree in computer science or a similar discipline that is supported by experience.

Software Engineer: Create applications that use AI techniques. A programmer or an AI developer may also be used to describe the position.

AI Engineer: Create AI models from scratch and aid in the comprehension of outcomes by product managers and stakeholders.

Data Mining and Analysis: Using anomalies, trends, etc. to anticipate outcomes in massive data sets.

Machine Learning Engineer: Using data to plan, create, and maintain machine learning software systems.

Data Scientist: Gather, examine, and evaluate data sets.

Business Intelligence (BI) Developer: Examine large data sets for business and market trends.

Big Data Engineer/Architect: Create platforms that enable communication and data collection between enterprises.

Robotics Engineer: Design, create, and test robotic systems.

Computer Vision Engineer: Construct projects and systems that use visual data.

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List of universities for Scholarship for Bachelor in Artificial Intelligence

Universities for Bachelor in Artificial Intelligence

The following four renowned and top-ranked universities offer Bachelor in Artificial Intelligence with funded opportunities:

  • Sapienza University Rome
  • University of Milan
  • Pavia University
  • University of Milano-Bicocca

Scholarship for Bachelor in Artificial Intelligence at Sapienza University Rome

Computer scientists learn artificial intelligence and the essential fields of applied information technology in the Degree Course in Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence.

Graduates in Applied Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence will be equipped with a solid essential cultural preparation to keep up with technology and a solid technical practice to enter the information technology and communication sectors quickly. They’ll also be able to study computer science at post-first university levels.

The essential cultural preparation will enable Computer Science graduates to have: familiarity with the scientific method of investigation; the ability to understand and use mathematical support tools; methodological knowledge, and basic skills in a wide range of sectors of information and communication sciences and technologies, including the latest artificial intelligence techniques; and knowledge of the subject directly in English, to be ready to enter the workforce.

The first two years of the course, which are the same for all students, cover fundamental subjects like mathematics, physics, statistics, computer science, and artificial intelligence. In addition to completing this training, the student can choose courses to define his profile in the most critical areas of applied computer technology and integrate the training with economic and legal studies in the third year.

The program concludes with an internship, either at an IT company doing analysis, software design and development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, systems, and networks, or internally, deepening advanced areas.-Bicocca.

3 Years 180 EnglishNoYes12 years of schooling
English TOLC-I

Scholarship for Bachelor in Artificial Intelligence at the University of Milan

The new Bachelor of Science in Artificial Intelligence offered by the universities of Milano-Bicocca, Milano Statale, and Pavia is a collaborative effort amongst institutions in Italy and around the world. The program’s administrative hub will be located in Pavia, and while classes will take place on all three locations, instruction will be conducted solely in English.

The program aims to produce experts in the theoretical underpinnings, techniques, methodologies, and applications of artificial intelligence, thereby promoting technological innovation and fostering country’s economic and social development. The Artificial Intelligence program is designed to produce well-rounded graduates in many fields.

They will have a firm grounding in the theoretical underpinnings and practical applications of artificial intelligence and training in the fundamentals of various related computer science, mathematics, physics, statistics, and cognitive science fields. Ethical and legal education will be provided so they may appreciate the bounds of what can be considered a socially acceptable application of these methods.

Important: The University of Pavia manages the application

3 Years 180 EnglishB2Yes12 years of schooling
English TOLC-I

Scholarship for Bachelor in Artificial Intelligence at Pavia University

The University of Pavia, the University of Milan,  and the University of Milano-Bicocca worked together to develop the bachelor course “Artificial Intelligence” to train new professional figures who can accompany companies and public organizations in the technological turnaround that is characterized by the development of advanced automation tools and man-machine interaction with “intelligent” behavior. The three universities that participated in the collaboration are the University of Milan, the University of Pavia, and the University of Milano-Bicocca.

3 Years 180 EnglishB2Yes12 years of schooling
English TOLC-I

Scholarship for Bachelor in Artificial Intelligence at Università of Milan

Develop into a Professional in the 4.0 World with the Support of Three Major Universities that can Take You to the Heart of This Century’s Technological Turning Point with Specific Courses Related to Developing Advanced Automation Tools and Human-Machine Interaction with “Intelligent” Behavior. You will get:

  • Expertise in using artificial intelligence to analyze data and manage information for communications and marketing
  • Knowledge of using AI in intelligent industrial processes and embedded systems
  • Knowledge of utilizing artificial intelligence to improve human-environment interaction systems and bioinspired algorithms
  • Proficiency in utilizing artificial intelligence to enhance physical technology and mathematical models

Fundamentals in computer science, mathematics, physics, statistics, and cognitive sciences are generally covered over the first two years of the degree program. It concentrates mainly on those that help grasp artificial intelligence’s theoretical underpinnings and methodologies.

A legal and ethical foundation is also offered in Bachelor in Artificial Intelligence, which is necessary to comprehend the restrictions on the socially acceptable use of these methods. Due to the multidisciplinary approach and identification of the most recent advancements in artificial intelligence, this course’s professional and cultural profiles differ from those of computer science graduates.

Important: The University of Pavia manages the application

3 Years 180 EnglishNoYes12 years of schooling
English TOLC-I

Final Words!

The Scholarship for bachelor in Artificial Intelligence in Italy is an interdisciplinary program led mainly by the University of Pavia. We have enlisted all universities to give you a complete understanding so that you can get information about the program at a single spot and submit your application to the university that is leading admissions.


Is a degree in artificial intelligence worthwhile?

The topic of artificial intelligence is still expanding and is a relatively new technology. Indeed, according to Forbes, positions requiring knowledge of AI or machine learning are predicted to expand by 71% over the next five years, making AI talents among the most in-demand among employers.

Which university offers scholarship for BAchelor in Artificial Intelligence in Italy?

Sapienza University Rome and Univerity of Pavia with Milan University and Biccoca University offer scholarship for BAchelor in Artificial Intelligence in Italy.

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