ERSU Scholarship Italy 2023-2024 – Study Free in Italy

Another completely financed regional scholarship in Italy is the ERSU scholarship, sometimes known as the E.R.S.U. scholarship. It is identical to the DSU, EDISU, ERGO, and Lazio Disco scholarships but is available in the Italian region of Sicily. Therefore, it is open to any overseas student who has been accepted to a public institution in the Sicily region.

We will walk you through every stage of our comprehensive ERSU scholarship guide. If appropriate, we will also offer reliable links, and we’ll make sure to simplify the difficult ISEE process. In comparison to other fully supported scholarships, the application process may seem complicated, but if you read this blog entirely, there won’t be any questions left unanswered.

Let’s take advantage of this fantastic opportunity.

Eligibility for the ERSU Scholarship: Who Can Apply?

The eligibility criteria for the ERSU scholarship are as follows:

  1. Inclusive Scope: Both national and international students pursuing bachelor’s, master’s, and Ph.D. programs across various fields and nationalities are eligible to apply for the ERSU scholarship.
  2. Age Neutrality: The ERSU scholarship does not impose any age restrictions. Any student admitted to a public university within the Sicily region can apply for the ERSU scholarship.
  3. Enrollment Requirement: Applicants should either be enrolled in their academic program or have successfully completed the pre-enrollment process before submitting their ERSU scholarship application.
  4. No Language Tests or Experience Letters: Notably, there is no need for IELTS, experience letters, or entry tests for the ERSU scholarship application. While such documents might be necessary for specific universities or disciplines, they are not required for ERSU scholarship consideration.
  5. Income Criterion: Applicants’ annual income should be below €24,335 to meet the eligibility criteria. It’s important to note that the lower the income, the higher the benefits, including provisions such as hostel accommodation and meal services.
  6. Dynamic Merit Evaluation: The merit criteria can vary each year based on the number of applications received. It depends on the annual pool of student applicants.
  7. Ph.D. Students: Ph.D. students can apply for the scholarship provided they are not already beneficiaries of other research funds. This ensures equitable distribution of financial aid.

It’s important to understand that meeting the eligibility criteria does not guarantee the scholarship, as the fulfillment of both income and merit criteria is necessary. While you might be eligible, meeting these dual requirements is essential for securing the ERSU scholarship.

List of Universities under ERSU Scholarship Italy

What are the benefits of the ERSU Scholarship?

  • Ordinary Scholarships
  • Reserved Scholarships
  • Incoming international mobility Grant
  • Graduation Award
  • Supplementary financial contribution
  • Housing service
  • Canteen service

How to apply for the ERSU Scholarship: A Step-by-Step Guide

The ERSU Scholarship presents a valuable opportunity for eligible students to receive financial assistance for their academic pursuits. To ensure a smooth application process, follow the comprehensive steps outlined below:

Step 1: Accessing the Application (Messina University)

  1. Navigate to the Student Portal: Open your web browser and go to the website of the university ERSU Scholarship.  Here is the link to each ERSU Scholarship university website:

This link will lead you to the student portal, which hosts the application.

  1. Log in to the Restricted Area: Depending on your status, use one of the following methods to log in:
    • Italian Students over 18 and International Students Residing in Italy: Access the restricted area using your SPID (Public System of Digital Identity) or CIE (Electronic Identity Card) credentials.
    • International Students not Residing in Italy: If you possess an identity document from your home country and are not an Italian resident, register and log in with the credentials issued by the institution.
    • Underage Students: Students under 18 years old should also use the institution’s provided credentials to access the restricted area.

Step 2: Completing the Application Form

  1. Fill in the Required Fields: Once inside the restricted area, navigate to the online application form. Complete all mandatory fields accurately.

Step 3: Confirming Data and Validation

  1. Confirm Entered Data: Verify that all information you provided is accurate before proceeding.
  2. Receive OTP Code: If you logged in using a username and password, wait for an SMS containing an OTP (One-Time Password) code to validate your data.
  3. Validate Entered Data: Enter the OTP code received via SMS into the appropriate field to validate your benefit request.

Step 4: Finalizing the Application

  1. Complete the Procedure: Ensure that all required steps have been completed and your data is validated.

Step 5: Uploading Required Documents

  1. Access “File” Section: To regularize your scholarship application, visit the “File” section on the homepage of the “ersuonline” services in the student portal.
  2. Upload Documents: If necessary, upload the required documents as individual PDF files. The maximum file size for each document is 2 MB. Commonly required documents include:
    • Double-sided copy of ID (if not using SPID or CIE)
    • Copy of residence permit (for international students)
    • Documentation proving disability (if applying for reserved benefits)
    • Copy of separation/divorce ruling (for students with separated/divorced parents)
    • Documentation certifying income/wealth status for ISEE equalized (for students with a household abroad)
    • Any other relevant documents

Step 6: Download Registration Receipt

  1. Successful Registration: After completing the online procedure and uploading documents, you’ll be able to download a receipt confirming your successful registration from the restricted area of the online services portal.

Additional Information

  • Applications submitted through methods other than the designated online procedure will be excluded from the competition.
  • Maintain an up-to-date “File” section with valid documents. If documents expire, replace them promptly to regularize your benefits request.
  • If you log in using SPID or CIE and are not required to submit additional documentation, you won’t need to regularize your benefits request.
  • If you need to modify data in a submitted application, cancel the existing application and repeat the entire procedure.
  • Notify the institution promptly of any changes to your university career, family situation, address, or other relevant details.
  • Scholarships are initially awarded based on self-certified information (except for health-related documents).

Stay informed and attentive throughout the application process to ensure your eligibility for the ERSU Scholarship.

Required Documents for ERSU Scholarship Application

List of Required Documents to apply ERSU Scholarship Italy

When applying for the ERSU Scholarship, ensure you have the following documents ready:

  • Codice Fiscale Your Codice Fiscale, the Italian tax identification number.
  • DOV (Declaration of Value)/CIMEA/Self-Declaration (Additional Document) If necessary, include the Declaration of Value (DOV), CIMEA certificate, or a self-declaration as additional documents.
  • Family Composition Certificate: Proof of your family members’ composition, highlighting the number of individuals in your household.
  • Family Income Certificate A document indicating your family’s income, which is crucial for evaluating your eligibility.
  • ISEE Parificato Your ISEE Parificato is a standardized economic indicator used to assess your financial situation.
  • Italian Translation of the Documents For non-Italian documents, provide translated versions in Italian.
  • Passport/ID A valid passport or identification card.
  • Property Certificate Documentation regarding any properties owned by your family, if applicable.
  • University Admission/Pre-Enrollment Letter (Additional Document) If applicable, submit your university admission or pre-enrollment letter as an additional document.

Prepare these documents meticulously to facilitate a smooth ERSU scholarship application process.

Additional Documents Required for ERSU Scholarship Application

  1. Students with Disabilities:
    • Medical Certification: A certification issued by the competent public administration, confirming a disability level of not less than 66%. This certification can also validate the conditions of severe disability as outlined in call.
  2. Non-EU International Students:
    • Residence Permit: A photocopy of your valid residence permit or proof of payment for its renewal. Additionally, you might need to provide the calculation of equal ISEEU/ISPEU (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator for University Services) based on your financial circumstances.
  3. International Students from Poor Countries (M.D. No. 115/2023):
    • Residence Permit: A photocopy of your valid residence permit or proof of payment for its issuance/renewal.
    • Certification from Italian Representation: A certification from the Italian Representation in your home country, indicating that you do not belong to a high-income and high-social status family.
  4. Stateless:
    • Civil Court Certification: A certification issued by the Civil Court confirming your stateless status.
  5. Political Refugees, Entitled to International Protection:
    • Certificate from the Ministry of the Interior Commission: A certificate issued by the Commission of the Ministry of the Interior attesting to your status as a political refugee entitled to international protection.
  6. Foreign Students who are Children of Sicilian Emigrants Abroad:
    • Certificate of Foreign Residence: A certificate verifying your foreign residence and that of your family of origin. Additionally, you might need to provide the calculation of equalized ISEEU/ISPEU.
  7. Orphans of Labor Victims:
    • INAIL Attestation: An attestation issued by INAIL (National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work) confirming your status as an orphan of a labor victim.
  8. Orphans for Mafia Reasons:
    • Prefecture Certificate: A certificate issued by the relevant prefecture validating your status as an orphan due to mafia-related reasons.
  9. Victims of Usury or Children of Victims of Usury:
    • Competent Authorities Documentation: Documentation issued by the relevant competent authorities attesting to your victimization by usury or your status as a child of a victim of usury.
  10. Orphans or Students Deprived of Parental Responsibility:
    • Care Facility Documentation: Documentation issued by the relevant public or private care facility where you are a guest or resident, confirming your orphan or deprived parental responsibility status as per a court order.

When applying for the ERSU Scholarship, ensure that you upload the appropriate additional documentation based on your category. These documents are vital to validate your application and ensure that you are considered for the competition. Remember that accurate and complete documentation is crucial for the success of your scholarship application.

Eligible Courses for ERSU Scholarship

The ERSU Scholarship presents an opportunity for male and female students to receive financial assistance while pursuing their educational journey. If you’re curious about which courses qualify for this scholarship, here’s a breakdown:

  • All students, both male, and female, who are in good standing with the payment of the regional fee for the right to study, and are either currently enrolled or intend to enroll for the Academic Year 2023-2024, can participate in the ERSU Scholarship competition.
  • These students should be enrolled in University Institutions operating within the jurisdiction of ERSU of Messina.

Qualified Course Types for the ERSU Scholarship:

Students pursuing the following types of courses are eligible to participate in the competition:

  1. Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Single-Cycle Master’s Courses:
    • Three-year bachelor’s degree
    • Single-cycle master’s degree
    • Two-year master’s degree These courses should meet both the economic and merit requirements.
  2. PhD Courses:
    • PhD courses that are unpaid and activated
  3. Specialization Courses:
    • Specialization courses (except those in the medical area as per Legislative Decree No. 368 of August 17, 1999) that are unpaid.
  4. Courses in Alta Formazione Musicale (Higher Musical Education):
    • These courses can be accessed solely with a high school diploma.
  5. First-Level Master’s Degree:
    • Students holding a bachelor’s degree can apply for a first-level master’s degree. In this case, the master’s degree serves as an alternative to the first year of the corresponding bachelor’s degree.
  6. Single-Cycle Bachelor’s Degree Programs:
    • Students holding a bachelor’s degree can benefit from this category if the corresponding two-year master’s degree has been discontinued for the specific course. Eligibility starts from the fourth year, including the possibility of an additional semester out of course. Students select “continuation of the bachelor’s degree” in the online form.
  7. Single-Cycle Degree Courses:
    • Students holding a three-year academic degree can apply for this category. Eligibility is based on the difference between the duration of the degree held and the legal duration of the degree course.
  8. Course Transitions and Exam Validations:
    • Students who have transferred between courses or faculties, with validated exams, are eligible if they haven’t benefited from the same year’s scholarship. The evaluation of their university career will consider net validations.

Additionally, students enrolled simultaneously in more than one course of study can maintain the scholarship, increased by 20%, provided they meet and sustain the merit requirements throughout the entire duration of the courses. This increase isn’t applicable if the student loses scholarship requirements in the course to which the increase is correlated.

List of Universities offers ERSU Scholarship

  1. University of Catania
  2. University of Messina
  3. University of Palermo

Publication of ERSU Scholarship Results

The lists containing the names of all participating students and their subsequent rankings will be publicly disclosed as per the indicated dates in the “Memorandum,” located on the official ERSU of website, Moreover, the same ranking results will be conveniently accessible on the individual student portal’s ERSU services page.

It is advisable for participating students to closely review the notes accompanying the provisional results within the published lists. Notably, ERSU does not send individual notifications of competition outcomes directly to students’ residences.

Rankings of ERSU Scholarship

The outcome of the competition is established through a series of ranking lists, each serving a specific purpose, and following a chronological sequence:

  1. Ranking List: The initial ranking list is compiled after the competition’s deadline has passed. At this stage, students’ statuses are categorized into the following:
    • Eligible: Students meeting the requirements
    • Rejected: Individuals excluded from the competition.
    • Suspended Eligible: Eligible students whose qualification needs further verification, resulting in their eligibility or exclusion yet to be confirmed.
  2. Ranking Lists with Assignee Designation: During this phase, available funds are allocated, and recipients are designated accordingly. The following classifications emerge:
    • Suitable Assignees: Students who satisfy the requirements.
    • Eligible Non-Assignees: Individuals meeting the requirements but not receiving a scholarship due to resource depletion.
    • Rejected: Exclusions falling within the cases.
    • Suspended Eligible: Eligible students awaiting further verification, leading to an undecided outcome.
  3. Arranged Ranking: At the conclusion of the university career verification processes, ranking lists are finalized. This step also entails addressing the suspension possibilities mentioned earlier. Student classifications are as follows:
    • Suitable Assignees: Students meeting the requirements.
    • Eligible Non-Assignees: Individuals satisfying the requirements but not granted a scholarship due to resource exhaustion.
    • Rejected: Exclusions

It’s noteworthy that suspended students, apart from those participating in ERASMUS programs without finalized exam registration, won’t be included in the ranking list. This ensures a clear and comprehensive depiction of each student’s status and the outcomes of the competition.

The amount of the ERSU Scholarship

The BASE scholarship’s total value, allocated to students whose economic circumstances fall within or below 2/3 of the established ISEE limit, is calculated as follows:

  • For “In-House” Students: €2,682.77
  • For “Commuter” Students: €3,889.99
  • For “Off-Site” and “Independent” Students: €6,656.52

These amounts reflect the varying financial support provided to students based on their residence and economic situation.

Wrapping Up!

In the realm of fully funded regional scholarships in Italy, the ERSU scholarship, also known as the E.R.S.U. scholarship, emerges as a significant opportunity. Tailored to the Sicily region, it shares similarities with other renowned scholarships like DSU, EDISU, ERGO, and Lazio Disco. With a commitment to simplifying the complex application process, we’ve provided a comprehensive ERSU scholarship guide that guides you through every step. Rest assured, you won’t be left with any unanswered questions after absorbing this information. Embrace this remarkable chance to support your academic journey and ease your financial worries.


What is ERSU, and what does it stand for?

ERSU stands for “Ente Regionale per il Diritto allo Studio Universitario,” which translates to the Regional Agency for the Right to Higher Education. It is an organization that provides various forms of financial assistance and support to university students in the region.

What types of scholarships does ERSU offer to students?

ERSU offers a range of scholarships, including need-based scholarships, merit-based scholarships, housing grants, and study abroad grants.

Who is eligible to apply for ERSU scholarships?

Eligibility criteria may vary for different ERSU scholarships, but generally, undergraduate and postgraduate students who are enrolled in universities within the ERSU region can apply. Eligibility may depend on factors like income, academic performance, and residency.

How do I apply for an ERSU scholarship?

You can apply for ERSU scholarships through their official website or a designated application portal. Follow the application instructions provided on their website, and make sure to submit all required documents by the specified deadline.

Can ERSU scholarships be used for any university or specific institutions only?

The eligibility of ERSU scholarships may be tied to universities within the ERSU region.

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